About Sheedy  &
"A Very Sheedy View
About Sheedy

Mark Sheedy, by his own admission and without the aid of a sponsor or 12-Step meetings, is a recovering
politician from the state of New York who became addicted to the second oldest profession while serving on
the legislature of an upstate county. Not politically content by nature and discontent with being a rank and
file legislator, Mark served four years as majority leader of the legislature during his 12 years on the board.
Between keeping track of the money as treasurer of the Republican legislators' re-election fund, managing
legislative campaigns and trying to maintain a private sector livelihood, Sheedy actually conducted some
legislative business on behalf of his constituents, much to their surprise. In return for his service to the
party...and for having planned a few...Sheedy was appointed Director of Planning and Public Relations for
the New York State Bridge Authority by then Governor George Pataki.

But what’s this “Very Sheedy View” thing?

Noted for keeping a sense of humor and humoring Republicans and Democrats alike, Sheedy could find
humor in a bond, a plow, a budget and even a few other politicos. Now based in southern California,
Sheedy looks forward to humoring the nation on a weekly basis through his own brand of political wit,
interpretive talents and experienced cynicism, all learned at the grass roots level with some crabgrass and
dandelions thrown into the mix.
©Copyright 2006-2008
A Very Sheedy View™ and the phrase A Very Sheedy View are Registered Trademarks
He's now enjoys the freedom to speak on the record without political party or correctness constraints. All of this is done to give readers a chance
tounderstand and enjoy the political theater acted out on the stages of our local, state and federal governments. Every week, Sheedy will explain why
politicians say what they say, do what they do, and decipher the code to know what they really mean.

Some columns will also cover social and cultural topics and personalities that make the news. Often this is for nothing more than the pure entertainment
value of celebrating the bizarre among us but also because the culture often influences political motivation and rationale.

As Sheedy speculates, “Don’t be surprised during the campaign doldrums to see Hillary pull a “Brittany Spears” getting out of her limo. The only
surprise might be what’s under there.”

It’s all part of
A Very Sheedy View…the way Sheedy views the world of politics and life.
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